By popular demand, we’ve added more snippets of information to help you.

Frequently asked questions and answers regarding Common Seal Rubber Stamps.

When is a Common Seal Stamp required?
For trading companies, a common seal is not mandatory in New Zealand. However, some New Zealand companies deal with offshore companies with different rules. And almost all eastern companies require their supplier to have a common seal rubber stamp. They also seem to want the stamp to be in red ink, showing the supplier company’s name and country. And in some instances, they prefer the company business number too. So, if you are trading with such a company, please feel free to email us for personalised help.

In New Zealand, it is however mandatory for Incorporated Societies and Charitable Trusts to have a common seal. The New Zealand Companies Office’s rules regarding societies and charitable trusts, say you require a bank account and a common seal. Please see the Companies Office information.

Must a common seal stamp for societies and charitable trusts include New Zealand business numbers or society numbers?
The Companies Office makes no reference to these numbers or logo being included. In fact, their only requirement is that your common seal includes the name of the society and the words ‘Common Seal’.

The most popular formats used.

What kind and what size of rubber stamp is best?
This depends on the length of the society’s name, technology preferences and feel. Usually, the two categories of rubber stamps include ‘self-inking’ rubber stamps and ‘traditional styled’ wooden rubber stamps. However, we have designed an Australasian first in our ‘digital common seal rubber stamps’. So, this means that there are three groups of options and not just two for you at Stamps Plus. Please refer here for more comprehensive information regarding sizing and more.

Are There Any Hidden Costs

Stamps Plus has adopted the acronym, “WYSWYG”, meaning “what-you-see-is-what-you-get”. Therefore, we do not charge for set-up fees and we will even pull in your logo without any further cost. If you are interested in showing your logo, we have provided a handy artwork guide.

How else can Stamps Plus help with common seal rubber stamps?

For any questions that we haven’t covered, please feel free to either email us or call us directly.

If you have landed on this page because you have used the search term ‘rubber stamp’, but don’t necessarily need a common seal rubber stamp, you can see our selection here

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